[SECC] Team Re-registration for SECC#1

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sat Jan 9 08:13:23 EST 2021

Thanks to Art, KZ5D, for pointing out my goof in listing KU8E twice on 
SECC#1 and not listing K2SX as intended.  I am surprised the 
registration form will allow the same call to be entered twice.  But 
that's no excuse for not reading and thinking about the registration 
form that they sent back.  Anyway, it is corrected now.  Good luck to 
everyone.  Next I will forward an e-mail from the FCG reflector about 
the real score reporting page for those who may be interested in such.  
I'll just wait until tomorrow and check 3830.  I don't need any 
additional incentive to work hard for QSOs and it would be a distraction 
to me.  But, to each his own.  I hear lots of stories of being 
positively influenced by this tool.  73, John, K4BAI.

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