Andrew Goss amgoss05 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 10 09:10:40 EST 2021

Great contest, with really good conditions. I had one hour with 114 QSOs on 40, and an hour with 99 Qs on 80M--I've only broken 100 once before (and I was using high power then). And I had three times as many contacts than a year ago. With the low bands being very quiet, I didn't suffer (much) of a penalty with my FT450 receiver, as it seemed like everyone was above the noise level and I could copy call signs usually w/o trouble. I wasn't able to follow John's brilliant tactical guide as closely as I would have liked, as my off-times were determined by conditions at the house not on the bands. But still almost got a full-time effort. Passed 100,000 at 12:54 (aware that my final score will be below that, but still exciting). Multipliers are very interesting in this contest: many rare and semi-rare multipliers called me while running (including DC, NE, NS, ND, KP4), and even N9RV called me late in the contest for MT on a new band. S&P was productive often as I could still maintain a high rate, especially with us all running 100W, and occasionally I would find a rare multiplier, but lots of OH, VA, MA, etc. and of course the rate was still lower than running. I may have to get better hunting multipliers, as I missed many, including GA on 40M (!). Did find many of the SECC participants on 80 though: thanks! And nice going SECC teams. Andrew AA5JF

                     North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: AA5JF
Operator(s): AA5JF
Station: AA5JF

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  41    41
  80:  152    33
  40:  282    46
  20:  167    39
  15:  24    10
Total:  666  151  Total Score = 100,566

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC#2


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