[SECC] Announced Changes for NA Sprint CW and NA Sprint RTTY in Feb

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Jan 26 17:27:14 EST 2021

The CW (Feb 6) and RTTY North American Sprint (Mar 13) will begin one hour
earlier at 2300 UTC instead of 0000 UTC.  The contests are still 4 hours
long, so they will end at 0259 UTC. This change recognizes that 20 meters
has been closing at the start of the winter contests.  Moving the start
earlier by one hour will give contesters in the north and east a much
bigger window for 20 meter activity, making the contest more fun for
everybody.   The new start time in Feb and Mar are an experiment and will
be evaluated after the contests to see if we want to continue with it. The
September contest start times will not change.

Please, please, please - let your clubs and club members know about this so
nobody turns on the radio at 2345 and gets an unpleasant surprise.  And for
newcomers to Sprint, an updated "how-to" article by N3BB is available on
the Sprint page at ncjweb.com/north-american-sprint. Look under "Tips" at
the lower right of the page.

73, Ward N0AX and Ed W0YK
On Behalf of the Boring Amateur Radio Club
CQ-Contest mailing list
CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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