[SECC] W4AN May be QRV in CQ 160M CW This Week End

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 29 16:05:45 EST 2021

The SECC club call, W4AN (in memory of its founder Bill Fisher, W4AN), 
may be QRV M/S in CQ 160 CW this weekend.  I am headed to Jeff's house 
and will operate PJ4A remotely if that turns out to be possible.  If 
not, Jeff and I will be M/S as W4AN High Power from his house.  At this 
time, it appears that the house on PJ4 is either without power or 
without internet service. Both are required to operate it remotely.  So, 
Jeff will be QRV from home either as KU8E or W4AN.  If you hear W4AN, 
please call and work the club call and let me know if you want a QSL 
confirming the QSO.  73, John, K4BAI.

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