[SECC] News Flash : New Portable Category in the Georgia QSO Party

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Wed Mar 3 11:08:19 EST 2021

We've added a new Portable category to the Georgia QSO Party. This is a 
category for those that want to operate in multiple counties using a 
temporary antenna without being classified a a ROVER station. While we 
can't determine if you're using a mobile antenna in this category I 
would ask if you operate in this category that you use a push up mast or 
maybe a vertical antenna that you put up and take down when you move to 
a new location. Please don't cheat. Chaz, W4GKF, will be announcing a 
plaque sponsor soon. See the GQP rules at 

Jeff KU8E  GQP Director

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