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<DIV>I was just able to look at the map Lee posted and to answer your question, John, I don't think the proposed change will include my address in Jacksonville. I live in NW Saint Johns county just outside the Jacksonville city limits. My address is 900 Grape Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32259 and the coordinates are (in decimal format) LAT: 30.10803, LONG: -80.36638. However, I am within the circle (current and proposed) at my second home in Warner Robins, GA and I operate from here when we come to Middle Georgia.</DIV>
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<DIV>When I became active again a couple of years ago, I found that I enjoyed contesting and applied for membership in the SECC. I have tried to meet the membership requirements by submitting <U>at least</U> two contest scores per calendar year with the South East Contest Club designated as the official Club. After doing some research, I found that neither the SECC nor the Florida Contest Group prohibited me from maintaining membership in another club, so I applied to join the FCG also. My home in Jacksonville is within the FCG's 175 mile circle. Membership in both groups has been rewarding. I have learned a lot from you. </DIV>
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<DIV>Jim, K4BK</DIV>
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