Here is our claimed club score for Sweepstakes.  So far we have 3,205,788 points which is slightly higher than our score from last year of  3,062,328. That means if everyone sends in there score we have a great chance of winning the SS Medium Class Club Gavel again.
  I have checked the ARRL received logs page. If you don't have an "x" in the last column of the claimed scores below you haven't submitted you logs yet . Please submit you log to the ARRL ASAP so you don't miss the deadlines. The deadline for CW is next Wednesday - December 5th.  The deadline for SSB is December 19th.
73, Jeff  KU8E


W4OC 172800
K4BAI 170798 x
N4PN 160160 x
KU8E 155788 x
NA4BW 146308
K1ZZI 112160
W4BQF 104676 x
NM2L 85020
WA2MBP 81120 x
K3AN 80184 x
N4LR 68000 x
AA4GA 51800
N4GG 44640 x
K4OD 35784
N3ZL 26908
K4AQ 21968
Total 1518114
K4SSU 265920 x
N4PN 232480 x
W8JI 215520 W8JI, WW4LL, W4BW, W4KTR
NN4F 184392
K4BAI 180120 x
K4LY 147720
KU8E 115520 x
K3AN 87164 x
K4WX 53280
K4OF 47700
NM2L 40176 x
AA4LR 32620
AI4WB 28710
N4GG 26796 x
W4ATL 25680 x
KB4KBS 3876
K4YJ x
Total 1687674

Club Total