-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Bill Hellman
Sent: Dec 6, 2007 8:16 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients@null, null@null
Subject: Peter Dahl Co. is going out of business

For your Information
----- Original Message -----
From: k2ese
To: 3933@3933.us
Cc: Tempotek709@aol.com ; ke4ex
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 5:10 PM
Subject: Peter Dahl Co. going out of business

I just finished talking to the Peter Dahl company and was informed that :

Peter Dahl Co. is going out of business 12/31/07.


Apparently Peter is very ill and he has let the business fall apart.

This will be a big loss to ham radio. His products were the best and no one else is picking up the slack. In all probability will see something from the Chinese on the market in the future.

Another piece of America and Ham radio gone forever!