Hi folks,
Lee Weaver has joined the GQP gang as publicity handler.
This was the last slot to be filled.
Welcome Lee.
Here is the lineup:
Mike Condon, NE4S - Web-Scores-Certificates  (Committee Chairman)
John Laney K4BAI - Advisor on all issues, does paper logs.
Lee Weaver WI4R - Publicity, Club contacts, Emails
Jeff Clark KU8E - Prizes and Rover plans
Chaz Cone W4GKF - Plaques
Many of these folks have been doing the work, be we want to make it official.
Rick, NQ4I will be doing a lot of overall publicity and helping in general.
There is a lot of cross over between all of  these jobs. 
We all have ideas for GQP, and none of us are limited to any topic, all ideas are welcome.
Please put your ideas up here, or go directly to the person listed.
They will sort it out, and run with it.....
We are trying to make GQP2008 bigger and better.
All of us, Committee, SECC members and SEDXC members are to be considered on the publicity crew. 
Do what you can at every opportunity to plug the event, and get our fellow GA Amateurs on the air in April.
For example, I have put a plug in my note signature attachment (below)...
John K4BAI is using the flyer in correspondence...
It all adds up.
Thanks to Lee for joining,
Thanks to all of you for the support.
Please use ne4s@iham.us or mike1230@mcnet.us as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see gqp.contesting.com !
Be well

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