Hi All...greetings from on board the Jewel of the Seas and we are loacated near the Bahamas right now...Georganne and I are on an 8 day cruise and seems we picked a good time to do it!!
I am writing this morning to remind people that compete in the CQ 160 contest in a few weeks...we have had a long standing un-written agreement with the SEDXC club to post our scores every other time for each other...i.e. one year you would claim SECC and the next SEDXC.,..this year is especially important to the SEDXC...its their 50th anniversary and they are gunning for first place in the CQ 160 test...so those of you who are members of both clubs are encouraged to be sure and claim SEDXC as your club affiliation....lets help them over the top!!
73 from the Caribbean...de Rick NQ4I