You all know what an absolutely SUPER QSO Party we had
last year!  We had quite a few folks out there looking for those
rare GA counties.  This year is promising to be ever so much
better.  For you Rovers out there.....consider this.....a trophy
for the winner of the TOP ROVER CONTEST!  Rules and prizes
to follow on the web site.
We will, again, have the Top County Score from outside the state
of Georgia and prizes for the adjacent states top scorers.
I'm gonna need all kinda help here folks.  We need sponsorship for
these prizes!  A quick check with suppliers show that the cost of
shipping has skyrocketed.  Thank goodness, the price of the prizes
have not gone up signifcantly.  Even so, we are looking at a budget
of somewhere in the $225.00 range to cover the purchase and
shipping of all prizes.  We need about 6 folks to step forward and
sponsor prizes.  At $40 each, that will meet the need nicely and possibly
provide a cushion in case things go terribly awry.
Accepting checks, money orders, hand delivered cash!
Mailing address is:
J. Gordon Rowe - K4OD
1016 Sylvian Drive
Macon, GA 31206-2551
Please add a GQP in the lower left corner of the envelope
so that they don't get mixed up with incoming QSL cards.
Thanks, in advance
Gordon Rowe - K4OD
GQP Prize Manager