Have fun guys... Hope to work you on 6 bands...


Jeff KU8E

-------------- Original message from Chaz Cone <w4gkf@chazcone.com>: --------------

> SEDXCers and SECCers:
> Seven of the twelve TI5ØDX team members are in
> place in San Jose, Costa Rica preparing the rigs,
> amps and antennas for this weekend's ARRL Phone
> DX Contest; the other five guys are flying in tomorrow (Thursday).
> I'd like to encourage all to get active this
> weekend and work us on as many bands as
> possible. We should have a good signal on all
> bands. We can certainly use the points as we're
> planning to win the Multi-Two category.
> Since we have broadband and Wi-Fi here at the
> contest location (and since Chaz is on the team
> :) , we'll keep the SEDXC website up-to-date as we prepare.
> Plan to checkout the website frequently. You can
> link from the top photo on www.sedxc.org or use
> this URL directly: www.sedxc.org/ti50dx
> Go ahead; it's up now.
> Wish us luck (and help make that luck by working us on all bands!)
> Bob K4UEE
> President
> _______________________________________________
> SEDXC mailing list
> SEDXC@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/sedxc