The mobile is ready...
5 bands on 2 Hustler sticks. TS2000. N3FJP GA QSOParty 1.8 running on the laptop.
Antenna tuning is for the CW portion of the bands, with A fudge to the PH side on 20/15/10.
The linear will be left cold this year.
The NE4S route will be:
Saturday-- Paulding, Douglas, Carroll, Haralson, Polk, Floyd, Chattooga, Gordon, Pickens, Cherokee, Bartow, Fulton.
Sunday-- Cobb, home station only. Notice that no Cobb activity is in the Rover Run allowing a separate "home" log possibility.
If we have coverage gaps, I might drop the Sunday home session and go back on the road.
It looks like Tad has Seminole county ready to drop from the list of Rare ones. Great!
Road Food... Gatorade and Fritos, Twinkies for desert...
OOPS!, I mean high fiber bread with turkey meat sandwiches and green tea. No desert.
Ya never know who might see these notes.
Rovers and Home stations, send in your plans, be sure to mention which county(s).
Roadies + Homeys = 159!... get the info to Jeff, post here too.
Please use or as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see !
Be well
An original Georgia Rover...
Out of the hills of Habersham,
Down the valleys of Hall,
I hurry amain to reach the plain,
Run the rapid and leap the fall,
Split at the rock and together again,
Accept my bed, or narrow or wide,
And flee from folly on every side
With a lover's pain to attain the plain
Far from the hills of Habersham,
Far from the valleys of Hall..........