Have any of you history buffs given thought to activating Milton and Campbell Counties ?
No one has activated either one in a contest since 1932.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Condon
To: ny4n@aol.com ; ku8e@bellsouth.net ; secc@contesting.com
Cc: w3dya@juno.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:00 AM
Subject: **Possible_Spam** Re: [SECC] FW: Rovers/Mobiles: CW vs SSB

Jeff, and...
Folks should use what mode they like... 
I am not recommending one over another...
My operation will be much more CW than last year, but some PH too.
A couple of minor web tweaks this AM.
WB4A is covering Rockdale, KB4KBS will try for Pickens and Cherokee.
Spalding is spelled right now... apologies to the Spaldinians.
Hearing Norm, W3DYA joining in makes me think I will concentrate on the open NE counties.
I think Norm comes in from TX, and we could take some mileage off his route this way.
I will work with Jeff, KU8E to get it all booked.
We still need some coverage of the central counties...  fixed stations planning to get on the air in that open area would help us by checking in.
Thanks to all....
Mike, NE4S

Please use ne4s@iham.us or mike1230@mcnet.us as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see gqp.contesting.com !
Be well

----- Original Message ----
From: "ny4n@aol.com" <ny4n@aol.com>
To: ku8e@bellsouth.net; secc@contesting.com
Cc: w3dya@juno.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:25:34 AM
Subject: Re: [SECC] FW: Rovers/Mobiles: CW vs SSB

NY4N will be using CW only, unless there is a BIG push that all mobiles
use SSB too.  Jeff

-----Original Message-----
From: ku8e@bellsouth.net
To: secc@contesting.com
Cc: w3dya@juno.com
Sent: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 2:36 pm
Subject: [SECC] FW: Rovers/Mobiles: CW vs SSB


-------------- Forwarded Message: --------------
From: w3dya@juno.com
To: gqprovers@iham.us
Subject: Rovers/Mobiles: CW vs SSB
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:07:26 +0000

I have your list of planned coverage but wonder if it's possible to get
list of
who will be CW only or SSB only. This would help me simplify my route
- it's
got a lot of bad roads so far!

I'm trying to cover the North and East down towards Savannah and would
an effort to hit those counties with NO CW commitment so far. I'm
on counties East of a line from Fannin/Gilmer to Wilkinson and North of

I don't think I'll get all the way South to Savannah but with a driver
you never can tell.

I know your efforts are aimed at getting all counties activated; my
effort is aimed
at activating counties on CW. Many non-GA sta tions won't be working

Thanks and 73,
Norm, W3DYA

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