A new cable modem has gotten me back to work..
Chaz's Plaque sponsors are now recgonized on the web, and are current for 2008.
Add my thanks to the sponsors, and to Chaz!
We have several new rover routes posted.
W3DYA, W4NZ, K4ZGB, and NG4Z are listed or updated.
I saw several updates from Lee, WI4R, listing announcement and publicity activity!
There are still a couple notes yet to respond to, and one page to get current, but things are back in the swing.
It was terrible timing on the blow out here, just when many things were arriving for updates.
But, We are caught up now...
Thanks for your kind patience.
Keep up the activity,
Mike, NE4S
As always, corrections to edits are welcomed as help...

Please use ne4s@iham.us or mike1230@mcnet.us as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see gqp.contesting.com !
Be well

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