Hi here is the results from K4HYB...I left off the ops: NQ4I,WI4R,K4NV,KG4CUT, KD4ONL,KF4GTA,AB4HQ,N4EEB,and WA4ILO....total time 13.5 hours

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <webform@b4h.net>
Date: Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 4:38 PM
Subject: GaQP K4HYB M/M HP
To: 3830@contesting.com, NQ4I@contesting.com

                   Georgia QSO Party

Call: K4HYB
Operator(s): K4HYB
Station: K4HYB

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Griffin, Ga
Operating Time (hrs):

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
 160:    0      10
  80:  156     143
  40:  275     942
  20:  228     640
  15:    0      69
  10:    0      45
   6:    0       0
Total:  659    1849  CW Mults = 111  Ph Mults = 222  Total Score = 250,000



Used Win-Test, Texas QSO Party, and it would not score properly...it did a nice
job networked with the bands displayed...hopefully Larry and Oliver will
include the GQP in the contests available...we had 4 new contestors who tried
their hands in the contest game...everyone had a blast...condx were lousy, but
the Ham Radio community was pleasant and responsive to the GQP...we were 800
qso's down from last year, and that was directly related to conditions...we had
problems with 2 amps...they are in the shop now...our transmit audio on the 20m
SSB station was a little too hot ( ok it was a lot too hot) and we even swapped
radios trying to fix it...on Monday after the test I was able to solve the
problem by adjusting the sound card interface audio levels...seems like in the
heat of the contest its hard to figure out how to fix something, but afterwards
its easier to focus on the problem and it's solution...hi...we knocked off at
1530 hrs local on Sunday...it seemed that we had worked every serious GQP
contestor...we need a rule change to keep our activity level high...once we
work a station, it leaves us with very little to do...there are only so many
committed participants on cw and ssb....so having band and mode related mults
would keep the activity level higher for us.....Thanks to all for the
qso's.....This year's activity will be one of the best yet!
de Rick NQ4I

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