Georgia QSO Party

Call: N4NX

Class: Single Op LP Mixed
QTH: WHITE County ( Sautee, GA )
Operating Time (hrs): 18

 Band  CW Qs     Ph Qs      Total Qs
   80:  120              12            132              
   40:  209            576            785
   20:    78              69            147       
Total:  407           657             1064        CW Mults = 49   Ph Mults = 53  Total Mults 102  Total Score = 150,042
MV 5 Tuner
Straight Key ( Really )
20 meter Dipole at 40'
150' dipole center fed with 450 ohm ladder line
GOAL:   To beat last year's score ( made it with 30 more total QSOs, exact same # mults, had less phone QSOs but MORE CW )
Used N1MM logger and still repairing Mult problem previously mentioned--This was a problem last year as well!!  Was not fixed!
Had bad weather on Friday night and 20 meters stunk as it did for most!
Biggest Surprise: was to have Lee Heirs, AA4GA drop by for last hour or so of contest and look over my shoulder ( He will confirm the straight key).
Biggest Mystery:  How did I miss CT on both SSB & CW, while working WY multiple times?
Biggest THANKS: to Mike NE4S for really making this the best GQP ever!
Bill N4NX