From Mr Epps....
Please use or as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see !
Be well

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Charles K. Epps <>
To: Michael Condon <>
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 1:41:47 PM
Subject: Re: W6OAT.LOG

NE4S wrote:
> CA was kinda hard from GA last weekend. <

Hi Mike.

If you thought CA from GA was hard, you should have
tried GA from CA!!  Now, THAT was HARD!!  I could
barely hear most GA stations, and usually got beat out
in their pileups by closer stations.  But, as always,
it was lots of fun.  Wish I could have spent more
time, but had company here Saturday afternoon and then
headed out of town early Sunday morning so operating
time was severely limited.

Congrats on the turn out of GA stations and all the
activity.  Several other NCCC members got on for at
least a few QSOs and their comments on our club
reflector all indicated that they noted the high
activity level.  Just think what it will be when the
sunspots return!

Please QSP my 73 to all my GA friends.

de Rusty, W6OAT

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