
I was waiting most of the morning and early afternoon for #200 to arrive.
Then a whopper showed up... W3DYA/M's rover log landed with a bang in the inbox.
It checked perfectly.  While running Norm's entry, W4XO, Lex, sent his log in, #201....
We have 4 paper logs in hand for later work.
There have been some wayward logs come into the jail and then got fixed, net is: all were worked into shape.
The total of less than 5 days after the party QRT is 205!  Thanks to all.
GARS sent a Pic of their setup for GQP, see the front page.
I found what appears to be a good contact from Oglethorpe Co in the current logs.
It is a single from W8MJ to KF4IRN.   The QTH for KF4IRN checks on QRZ.
Only W8MJ's log is in so far, but it appear we have coverage, if minimal, from one of the missing counties.
There was one Q also listed for Terrell, but it was a busted Q actually in Telfair.  Both of these logs are in, so Terrell Co. is still absent.
Lee Co.  is also still absent. 
It will probably be a casual station who gets on in the missing counties that completes the count, IF it is going to happen.
157 of 159 and counting.... waiting.
Logs Received, Soap, and the Home page are updated. 
Refresh your browser on these pages if needed.
Check your log info... get to me for bugs....
Have a good weekend, next update when a bunch more pop in.
Mike, NE4S
Please use or as my address.
GQP 2008 is April 12/13, see !
Be well

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