[3830] GaQP NA4BW Single Op LP

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Mon Apr 14 21:13:31 EDT 2008

                    Georgia QSO Party
Call: NA4BW
Operator(s): NA4BW
Station: NA4BW
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10:54
 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:  115     33
   40:  100    114
   20:   60     28
Total:  275    175  CW Mults = 47  Ph Mults = 44  Total Score = 65,975
Got on the last hour or so on Saturday and while the clock says 10:54 hours it's
probably closer to ~7 op time since half the time on Sunday I was watching the
Masters in the other room. 
 A sign of the times perhaps - trying to move a guy from phone to CW and he
said he didn't know the code...ouch. That's 1 less mult for me. Otherwise most
moves were successful and most that were not 'CW only' entries were very
willing to move. Thanks.
Could not hear the mobiles much at all but I could sure hear loud and clear the
incoming when I tuned across their frequency!
Thx to all for the moves and q's. 73 Brian NA4BW
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