I think back to the good old days when anything above 800 meters (or was it 200 meters; anyway, anything above the BC band) was considered useless, I wonder what would have happened if we all said get rid of those frequencies, who will ever want to use them anyway?  Then when I was a kid just getting started as a ham, there was talk about doing away with that Donald Duck sounding thing called Silly Side Band.  Wonder where we would be today if we had signed petitions to ban either of those things?  At this point, I am mostly curious to see how someone can keep track of all this technology in the middle of a contest, e.g. telnet, a second radio, skimmer, all the windows on Win-Test or n1mm, etc.  Talk about multi-tasking.  I agree with the voices of reason, i.e. Rick, Gary, Hal, et al, and vote on the side of waiting to see how this all develops before condemning it.  Maybe there is a baby somewhere amongst all that dishwater…


Dennis, K2SX


From: secc-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:secc-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Hal Kennedy
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SECC] Fw: Petition Regarding Skimmer


I am with Rick and Gary… IMHO it is WAY too early to be signing petitions for or against.  I’d like the opportunity to try it in a real contest and se/hear other’s views based on on-the-air trials.  I’m interested in it – hard not to be, but not ready to condemn it just yet.




-----Original Message-----
From: secc-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:secc-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Rick Dougherty NQ4I
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 2:41 PM
To: K9AY
Cc: secc@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SECC] Fw: Petition Regarding Skimmer


Hi Gary and SECC...I am in the same interest about skimmer...I am not going to condem it yet...it needs to be used in a contest and actually see it's uses...for my part as a M-M , it will maybe fill in some info that packet might be missing...but as with packet it has to be used with a grain of salt...it might miss-copy a call, and like packet all calls need to be copied and verified!! I refuse to jump on the bandwagon of the petition folks quite yet!! I am taking a wait and see attitude here....

de Rick NQ4I

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:11 AM, K9AY <k9ay@k9ay.com> wrote:

Skimmer is certainly a topic worthy of debate about it's place in the rules,
but before I jump to a conclusion, I'd like to see real-world data on
contesting with Skimmer -- maybe even try it myself.

I recall similar debates about spotting nets/packet, computer logging,
SO2R -- even 'hired gun' guest ops.

73, Gary

> Please consider signing this petition if you are opposed to
> Skimmer being allowed in the Single Opr category.
> The link is http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/skimmer
> If you sign it, please use your name followed by your callsign.  When you
> sign it, you do not need to go to the next step where they try to get you
> to
> make a donation.
> Jeff KU8E

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