Hi folks,
GQP is back on the web, thanks to the quick work of the folks at contesting.com.
Thanks Dave.
The final campaign of reminder notes for GQP has produced amazing results.
We have 406 logs received and scored, a couple in process, and a few more out for resubmission.
Deadline for regular entries was last night.
(Final-final is Sat nite for all those in flight.)
406 is an all time high for participation.
My Thanks to the sponsor clubs for all the help, and to the GQP Team for all the work.
Also thanks to all the folks who got on the air and sent us logs.
There will be an update Sunday AM to sweep the final resubmissions and files in process into the count.
We may top 410 or so.. much more than I had expected.
Score publications will be in a few weeks.
Please use ne4s@iham.us or mike1230@mcnet.us as my address.
GQP was 4/12-13.. Send the log in. See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well