Hi all...it's hard to believe than a year has past...time just flies...I would like to call a meeting of the SECC at the ATL hamfest on June 7th...it will be held at the Jim Miller Park in Marietta, Ga....and its time for election of officers!!!
Your past years officers were :
Pres Rick Dougherty NQ4I
VPres Jeff Stuparits W4DD
Treasurer Fred Dennin WW4LL
Secretary Bill Coleman AA4LR
Membership Lee Weaver WI4R (Appointed Position)
Webmaster Bobby Lacey KF4GTA (Appointed Position)
Hamfest/Event Co-ordinator Jim Roberts VE7ZO (Appointed Position)
GQP Co-Ordinator Mike Condon NE4S (President for Life)
Just a little of the things that were done in the past 12 months.....we solved the Circle Riddle...took some time but once and for all time made a circle overlay that will show whether one is in or out of the club circle radius......The GQP was a resounding success...410 logs and more than 50,000 qso were made for the GQP....we have the upcoming Huntsville Hamfest to look forward to in August...hospitality suites, speakers on contest related topics,awards,and some hands on work shops to help us all improve our stations and skills......the membership of the SECC has grown by nearly 20% in the past 12 months...and ways to identify and contact prospective members is in place and working well.....my staff has served well and honorably!! I Look forward to some new blood in the club to step forward and take the reins and continue the SECC's leadership into the 24th sunspot cycle..there is so much to lookforward to...its' time to serve the club and it's time to mask some committments to our hobby...I have enjoyed my tenure, and I know my staff feels the same...I think we can start the nominating process here on the SECC reflector  so that by the time the ATL Hamfest rolls around we can have a slate of officers ready for the ratification process...Thanks to all club members for making the past year so memorable...de Rick NQ4I