As Hal mentioned, we are going to do everything we know to do to encourage you to get on the air this upcoming contest season!
One of the biggest challenges is knowing what's upcoming so you can make the necessary plans. A few you may wish to highlight include:
NAQP RTTY  July 19, 20
NAQP CW    Aug 2, 3
NAQP SSB   Aug 16,17
CQP  Oct 4, 5
There has been  a decrease in the CQP by SECC'ers recently:
2007  11 participants
2006  14 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
2005  17 """""""""""
2004  21 """""""""""   
This is a great QSO party and our #'s shouldn't be decreasing????   Jump in and win a bottle of wine!    
SS CW Nov 1-3
SS SSB Nov 15-17
Recent SECC participation:
2008 CW  ??  SSB ??  SECC   Needs you!
2007 CW  17  SSB 16  SECC   3rd place medium club
2006 CW  26  SSB 15  SECC   WINS THE GAVEL !
2005 CW  26  SSB 19  SECC   WINS THE GAVEL !
2004 CW  18  SSB 16
You can't win, if you don't participate as the facts above clearly indicate. Let's "WIN BACK THE GAVEL"
Much to follow!  73's Brian NA4BW