-----Forwarded Message-----
From: K5RC
Sent: Aug 15, 2008 10:58 AM
To: 'foc_members'
Subject: [FOC] Legal Woes

Some of my neighbors have decided that property values will escalate and
homes will start selling again if I take down my eight towers. Aside from a
45' County limitation on height that was imposed after I started building 11
years ago, there is no basis to their demands. Logic and law
notwithstanding, a few frustrated neighbors continually harass the Building
Department, Homeowner's Association, Sheriff and even OSHA (OSHA was called
out to determine if the 180' crane was level and if K6NA and K7NV were
wearing the correct safety harnesses). A month ago the Building Department
imposed a Stop Work Order on the two new monopoles that have building
permits (120' and 195') AND they imposed the same Stop Work Order on the
existing towers, requiring RETROACTIVE building permits for the past 10

I retained a local real estate attorney and K1VR. Instead of working for a
living and putting up antennas, the last month has been devoted to creating
(at K1VR's direction) 171 pages of documentation that irrefutably defends
the existing, permitted and future structures and antennas without
compromise. I delivered these documents to the County fathers yesterday and
my local attorney pointed out to the DA that there is a graceful way for
them to follow the ordinances, statutes and PRB-1 and end this madness
immediately. Should they choose to waste their time and money (our County
only has 3,000 residents and not much revenue), we will seek injunctive
relief and sue the County for harassment.

Some friends have started a legal defense fund for the N5JJ/K5LZO Memorial
Station. Contributions are welcome via PayPal - tt@taorminagroup.com

I can't praise K1VR enough for his skillful approach to attacking emotional
problems with bulletproof logic. If any of you have zoning problems, Fred
has a full-time legal practice in the realm of amateur and commercial
antenna zoning. I also want to publicly thank N6BV for writing a "Needs
Analysis" that proves, among other issues, that an 80 M Beam and 40M Beam
will not work at 45'.

Tom Taormina, K5RC

Virginia City NV

Home of W7RN and K7RC

http://k5rc.cc FOC 1760

"Communication is the problem to the answer" - 10cc

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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