Received last night from Tad's family.

Tad got in a room somewhere around 1:00 today.  He is still very tired, and since he is not a "back sleeper," it's hard for him to fall asleep naturally.  Hopefully he will be able to get some rest tonight with a little help.  The plan for tomorrow is to get him out of bed to eat his meals.  If that goes well, they want to get him up walking around some. He is still not up to having any visitors or calls, but I think we can all understand that.  I've relayed all the well wishes and prayers sent to him and he appreciates all of them.  We left him around 6:00 tonight and will head back in the morning.  Tomorrow will bring more steps toward recovery.    Good Night.....

Thank you all again,


Lynn, Karen, Ronnie, and Kay

Beloved, let us love one another…… 1 John 4:7-8


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