While this is just in my humble opinion you have to remember some stations out there working these contest are doing it for other reason than just the contest. Such as when I was working my triple play I was looking for specific states and the best time was during contest. I cannot tell you how many times I worked a station that I needed just to turn around and find out that they never even logged me. Great example is the DX stations I worked this weekend that will never upload their log because they already had the zone I was in. But such is the contesting way as I see it - if it don't help me as the operator then why would I support someone else's goals which I may not be aware of. Oh wait, that is contradictory to the Amateur Radio way. I promise at least one or two of those 0 pointers that weren't logged were one of those guys who now has to find another way to get that state logged in the book. Me, if I work em, I logg'em 100% and I will continue to do so no matter how many points they are worth because in the end I may be worth points to them and that is what really counts, helping out my fellow ham. Now getting number #1 in my area would be nice every now and then but I have to compete with some of the biggest guns there are out here. Looking forward to getting to compete with you guys soon..


P.S. Perfect example I am not even working a contest and see K4BAI and jump on and work him to give him the points or potential points.. ;)  And anyone needing Oklahoma for any awards email me via the group or off line before I get out of here and we can set up a sked and get it knocked out..




Fort Sill, OK