From: [] On Behalf Of Don Greenbaum
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010
5:17 PM
To: cwops
Subject: [cwops] Press Release Please
forward to all clubs you know.......
send this to all your local clubs.......
New Club for Morse Code Enthusiasts
A new club has been formed among Amateur Radio operators who are Morse Code
(CW) enthusiasts. It is called The CW
Operators Club (CWops). CWops encourages the use of CW in
Amateur communications, and it promotes goodwill among Amateurs around the
world by planned CW activities.
CWops is international in scope, membership and management. Its focus is
the use of CW, whether for contesting, DXing or ragchewing. Moreover, it
promotes every form of sending -- if it's CW, CWops supports it!
For further information, go to
There you will find everything that you might want to know about CWops,
including our bylaws and articles of incorporation, our planned activities, an
explanation of how to become a member, and a list of current members.
Jim Talens, N3JT
Secretary, CWops
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