
Got a strange one want to see if any of you have any ideas on it. Was doing amazing on 20m for the RTTY contest kept pulling them in left and right was about 50 qso's in for the first hour when I decided to take it down to 40m to see what the condx looked like down there, get down there make my first QSO - the whole time the rig is beeping like it has some excess RF in it. Well thinking that it may be an issue on that freq I moved much higher and answered a CQ. As soon as I did this the radio (an FT897D) shut down beeped and reset completely. This locked up N1MM logger so restarted everything came back online ready to get back into it. Opened up N1MM and it keeps telling me that couldn't open Com 3 (the SignalLink USB) after several minutes of checking I realize that the reason it cant open it is there is no longer  a COM3 showing. The Signalink isn't creating a COM Port. I check and it is in fact still making the Audio CODECs so I can still listen with it just cant cause it to transmit anything. I have beat my head against the wall for a while now trying to get it figured out and cannot come up with a solution or fix.


I have brough my old Donner interface online and went ahead and choked the CAT cable for safety worked a few more on 40m with no problems at all but I am still stuck with a dead signalink. Anyone ever seen anything like this or have any suggestions on what I can do to fix it? And I am very certain the hours off are going to hurt my final score majorly but such is life when the station takes a dump on you.. hi hi



N4JIK formerly KD4LCR/7J6CEM

Fort Sill, OK

Triple Play Award #327