Subject: NAQP SSB KJ4HYG Single Op LP

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - January

Call: KJ4HYG
Operator(s): KJ4HYG
Station: KJ4HYG

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Marietta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   50    28
   40:   90    35
   20:   44    23
   15:    2     1
Total:  186    87  Total Score = 16,182

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC #4


This was a very interesting and enlightening contest for me. Something I
discovered, in this contest in particular, was that multipliers mean
everything. Of course, multipliers serve no purpose if they have no QSO's to
multiply with. What I learned is that I shouldn't be sitting on a single band
trying to find the multipliers I don't have, I should move to another band and
start all over again. Basically, I learned that being on several bands equally
is much better than being on one band. 

One thing that I really like about this contest is that there is no HP
category. Everyone basically has an equal opportunity. Most contests I don't
bother to call CQ, because I will get run over by those with large amplifiers.
However, in this contest I was able to get my Q rate up because at times I
could call CQ.

This contest was at times frustrating as well. I guess that trying to work
someone mixed with having to shout sort of makes it easier to get frustrated.
The nice thing about CW is that you can sit back and relax while attempting to
work someone, instead of shouting at them. 

I am really saddened now that I did not have the opportunity to work more of
the NAQP CW, but I suppose there is always next year.

Chris / kj4hyg

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