After having a contingency contract to sell our home in Roswell for 18 months, the buyers/renters have given up trying to sell their home, have asked to terminate the contract, and have moved back to St. Simon’s Island.  Faced with the reality of a full mortgage note in Georgia and a similar sized lease note in Texas, combined with the quickly declining health of Eileen’s parents in Roswell, we have determined that it would be most prudent for us to return to Georgia.  I am fortunate that my company’s office in Atlanta (Duluth) has made a place for me in their System Integration Group, doing essentially the same thing I’ve been doing here in Texas.  Our target move window is mid-August.


I hope to find time to string up a wire and set up a conservative version of my station soon after the main moving boxes are unloaded, but what I really look forward to is being available to parlay my experiences at NR5M onto a M/M team in Georgia this Fall, and of course, winning another plaque for “Single Op Rover-Phone” in the GQP next April. 


I’ll be back “home” soon,


Scott, KB4KBS



Scott Straw, CTS-D, CTS-I


A/V Project Engineer


Houston, Texas 77093