This is to say THANKS for the teriffic looking GQP  2010  Georgia Rover, MultiOp CW plaque. The GQP has become one of our favorites and we certainly are looking forward to next year's running. 
But I must mention the great effort by fellow rovers, John K4BAI and Jeff KU8E.  Were it not for Murphy liking them just a tad bit better than us,  we would be congratulating them on winning this plaque.
Congratulations on a very successful and enjoyable QSO party.  Thanks to the entire GQP team for all your hard work.  We wish you continued success and appreciate the opportunity of playing in your yard.
Thanks again and 73,
Ted W4NZ for Mark K0EJ, Gary K4VIG and Erik N5WR
ps. We hope you can join us for the Tennessee QSO Party September 5