Good information about Huntsville activities! Sounds like great fun!



From: Tim Wininger []
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:46 PM
To: Tommy Alderman; K4RO Kirk Pickering; k1to
Subject: Huntsville Hamfest info......


Hey Tommy (SECC), Kirk (TCG), Dan (FCG) just to let yaw'll know:




Friday 20 Aug:


                       Sunny South Contest Hospitality Suite

                       7 to 11 PM

                       Holiday Inn Downtown

                       Milltown Rm

                       Cash bar and finger foods


Sat 21 Aug:


                       Contest Forum ( room TBA on printed program)


                       10 AM to 1PM


                             Tim Wininger, KY5R:
                             10:00            “Contesting 101” - What you always wanted to know about getting started in the contest world.


                             Robin Gist, K4VU:
                             10:30             “Mini Contest DXpedition, V31 style” - A painless way to be DX in major DX contests

                             Craig Compton, K4XR:
                             11:00           “VHF Extreme Contesting” – The cutting edge of extreme VHF/UHF and microwave operating in VHF Contest

                             Jim Roberts, VE7ZO:
                             11:30            “World Radio Team Championships – 2010 Moscow Recap”


                            Tom Hardison, K4ZGB:
                            12:00           “Experiences in QSO Party Mobile operations” - What it takes to be successful as a Mobile Op in QSO parties


                            Tim Wininger, KY5R / Jim Johnson, KC4HW:
                              12:30          “Alabama Contest Group Meeting + Alabama QSO Party” - For all attending ACG members and persons interested in the ACG/AQP.



Sat Aug 21


                           2010 Contest Dinner


                           7PM at Beauregard's

                           511 Jordan Ln NW

                           Huntsville, 35805 



Please pass along to your membership, TNX.


GA Tim, KY5R