North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: K4OD
Operator(s): K4OD
Station: K4OD

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Macon, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 8.25

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    2     2
   80:    9     7
   40:   96    30
   20:   84    25
   15:   18     1
   10:    0     0
Total:  209    65  Total Score = 13,585

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC Peach Pits


FT-897D 100W

Sunspots went to "0"
Solar Flux bottomed out at "76"
Even an "A" Index of 2 didn't help and propagation went on vacation

10 Meters was non-existent here in middle GA

15 Meters went way long except for California.  One lonely DX station, E51CP (Vic) said I was 59+ in Rarotonga.

20 Meters couldn't make  up its mind whether to be short or long

40 Meters was fairly decent for a change and I should have done better there
and on 20

80 Meters would have been great had the storms not brought S-9 noise with them

160 Meters was so noisy I only heard two workable stations

Headphones and noise equaled a splitting headache with two hours remaining

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