Call: KU8E

Operator(s): KU8E

Station: KU8E


 Class: Single Op LP


 Operating Time (hrs): 20 mins



 Band  QSOs  Op Time


   80:    0

   40:    6

   20:    5


 Total:  11    Mults = 10  Total Score = 110


 Club: South East Contest Club


 Team: South East Contest Club



Comments : First .. sorry to my teammates on the SECC team. Where do I start. A total disaster. I was using my TS850S because the Heil Proset I have doesn’t have enough gain to get much power out on SSB

on the 756PRO. I need to buy a new headset with the Icom ‘IC’ element in it. About 20 mins in I notice a burning smell. My MFJ 901B tuner is arching over on the switch that is used to switch in the different inductances. I opened it up and it was totally fried. (running just 100 watts.. what junk !!) I figured I would just stop and go ahead and make the repairs to my Dentron Super Tuner that I bought parts for in Huntsville. Then I would just get on the last couple hours. Did that but there is still a problem. Thinking it might be the radio I switch out the TS850S for the IC756PRO. I’ll just use the hand mike. Still having problems tuning the antenna. The antenna selector switch on the Dentron is old and squirrely. Then I noticed the problem that came up during GQP with the antenna jacks has resurfaced. ANT 2 is dead. I call it quits and decide to open up the 756PRO to resolder the ANT 2 connection. I can’t seem to get a good connection and give up and close back up the radio. I notice the SWR is out of sight. I open it back up and noticed I accidently touched the relay that switches between ANT1 and ANT2 with the soldering iron. Part of the case of it is melted and it’s probably shorted too. So the end result is one trashed antenna tuner and one broken radio that has to be sent to W6XA for repairs. Maybe I just need to stick to CW J



Jeff  KU8E