CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: K4OD
Operator(s): K4OD
Station: K4OD

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Macon, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 36ish

Band  QSOs  Pts  State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:  102  124       34       7     6
   40:  107  145       37      20    12
   20:  113  263       23      41    23
   15:  131  283       14      43    20
   10:   20   56        1       9     9
Total:  473  871      109     120    62  Total Score = 253,461

Club: South East Contest Club


RIG:  FT-897D  100 watts output
antennas tribander and wires

I don't know if my radio was built for SSB, CW, or digital but in the case of
RTTY, those guys built one to handle things!  Flawless, that's all I can say
about it.
80 mtrs shocked me.  The noise was gone for the most part.
40 mtrs Oh, my goodess!   20 mtrs merciful heavens!
15 mtrs OH My GOD!!!      10 mtrs was my only disappointment
Of course a solar fux of 84 and 40 sunspots didn't hurt!  TOTALLY AWESOME!

It was only a fuse Paul and refitted with a new one before contest started
I am firmly hooked on RUNNING now!!!!