Nov 6th - 8th CW Sweepstakes

One of the favorite contest events of the year! SECC get ready to for some fun competition.   
One of our members suggested we setup teams for a little extra internal fun.  What do you think about that idea?  Depending on the total number interested we could have 4 or 5 people on a team.
Are you planning to participate in SS CW?  Would you be interested in joining a team?  Let me know if you are and I will start a list.  I would like to get something going and make this a fun event for everyone.  We are open for ideas and I encourage discussion.  We could blow the doors off this one and win the ARRL Gavel?  The SECC has won it before so we have the power.  It's all up to you.  Sign up now!    
Wait there's more:  NA4BW, K4BAI, K1ZZI  will sponsor one plaque each for SOHP, SOLP and "Unlimited".  How about plaques for QRP, Multi-Op?  Or can you think of another category of interest?  Oops we will need more sponsors!  No club dues / nothing in the treasury.  If you are interested in sponsoring a plaque for a particular category just let me know.  Plaques are $20 each and they are very nice, first class.  Same as our NAQP and GQP plaques.

Ralph K1ZZI

Complete ARRL SS Rules here:   
Rules Summary:

1. Object: For stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and
possessions) to exchange QSO information with as many other US and Canadian stations
as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

2. Date and Contest Period:
2.1. CW: First full weekend in November (November 6-8, 2010).
2.2. Phone: Third full weekend in November (November 20-22, 2010).
2.3. Contest Period: Begins 2100 UTC Saturday and runs through 0259 UTC Monday.
2.4. Operate no more than 24 of the 30 hours.
2.4.1. Off periods may not be less than 30 minutes in length.
2.4.2. Times off and on must be clearly noted in paper logs. Do not indicate off
times in electronic log files. The log checking software calculates it.
2.4.3. Listening time counts as operating time.

3. Entry Categories:
3.1. Single Operator:
3.1.1. QRP.
3.1.2. Low Power.
3.1.3. High Power.
3.1.4. Unlimited—Spotting assistance and Skimmer use is allowed (no
differentiated power levels)

3.2. Multioperator
3.2.1. Multi-Single only Only 1 transmitted signal is permitted at any time. No limitation on the number of band changes. Unlimited—Spotting assistance and Skimmer use is allowed
4. Exchange: The required exchange consists of:
4.1. A consecutive serial number;
4.2. Precedence;
4.2.1. Q for Single Op QRP (5 Watts output or less);
4.2.2. A for Single Op Low Power (up to 150 W output);
4.2.3. B for Single Op High Power (greater than 150 W output);
4.2.4. U for Single Op Unlimited;
4.2.5. M for Multi-Op;
4.2.6. S for School Club;
4.3 Your call sign
4.4. Check
4.4.1. The last 2 digits of the year of first license for either the operator or the
4.4.2. The same Check must be used the entire contest.
4.5. ARRL/RAC Section
4.6 Exchange Example: NU1AW would respond to W1AW‘s call by sending: W1AW
123 B NU1AW 71 CT, which indicates QSO number 123, B for Single Op High
Power, NU1AW, first licensed in 1971, and in the Connecticut section.)