Gentlemen, Ladies,
Relatively new to the SECC group, but long time contester and presently repeater owner and Club Yahoo List Moderator, etc., etc..
I own and operate the local repeater, I set up and maintain/moderate the Local Club's Yahoo List.  Everything works fine, no politics involved, and even though, personally attacked verbally and slanderously, on the list, in regards to my moderation and personal interests, I don't play that game.
Likewise with the repeater, it's open to ALL, unless you cross the Part 97 line, and ALL are aware with at least two OO's in the Club alone.
However, my easy going nature, takes their fun away, like they said in the movie, "Just Smile and Wave".  Sometimes it's hard, but things have a tendency to work themselves out, hopefully with minimal causualties.  Argue with an idiot, and they will win, they have more experience.
I'm not refering to any individual in this, just observations and personal opinions.
Gentlemen, Ladies, I'm still working on getting te feel for the SECC operation, not quite sure I've figured it all out yet, I see a lot of "reported" scores moving back and forth, not sure why that is yet.
Will continue to watch, read and learn. 
To the management, keep the pedal to the metal.
See you in CQWW DX SSB !!
Bill Wilson - KJ4EX
President, BARC
CAEC Barrow County ARES
Barrow County ARES Skywarn Coordinator
WR4BC Repeater Trustee
And no, I don't have a control issue, nobody else wants to do it, but politics don't scare me, because I don't do politics, but when forced, on very rare occasion, we play to win.
Makes me wish I was more like Tom Sawyer painting the fence.

--- On Mon, 10/18/10, Lee Hiers <> wrote:

From: Lee Hiers <>
Subject: Re: [SECC] [Bulk] Resignation
To: "Bill Coleman" <>
Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 8:22 AM

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Bill Coleman <> wrote:
It occurs to me that this sort of infighting was exactly the sort of thing that W4AN hoped to avoid when he organized the SECC.

Exactly, which is why it was organized the way it was.


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