North American QSO Party, CW - January
Call: WA2MBP
Operator(s): WA2MBP
Station: WA2MBP
Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Marietta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 6
 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   30    15
   40:  122    42
   20:  133    37
   15:   57    15
   10:   19     7
Total:  361   116  Total Score = 42,598
Club: South East Contest Club
Team: SECC #2
FT-2000, 4EL SteppIR, 40/80 dipoles.  Nice time hearing a small 10M opening. 
Couldn't hear several folks I tried to QSY to either 15 or 10.  So I quit
trying!  Sure wish I had my SO2R setup going.  This would be a sweet contest to
op SO2R.  Maybe this summer....