One change below, I'll be picking up the torch for the K4I call for Jeff and Becky. I'll know more this week whether I'll do a fixed (and from where) or rover effort. 


On Mar 26, 2011, at 3:21 PM, "Ralph K1ZZI" <> wrote:

Get ready to start your engines.  This is a BIG event celebrating GQP's 50th year!  I hope everyone will set some time aside to participate. 
Mike, NE4S and his team have put together a spectacular program.  Please take a moment to checkout the GQP website.  It's great!
The K4OD "GEORGIA" Award - 1X1 Calls to look for:
<3-26-2011 2-27-47 PM.jpg>
"K4OD Georgia Award" dedicated in memory
of Gordon Rowe.  The "Old Dog" RIP OM. 
GQP Team lineup:

NE4S, Mike, Web/Scores/Certs/Chair
W4GKF, Chaz, Plaques
KB4KBS, Scott, Write-up, starting now.
WI4R, Lee, Publicity
K4BAI, John, Advisor
NM2L, Greg, County Coverage/Rovers
K4EAK, Skip, Bonus Prizes
For GQP 50th we add:  W2WG, Bob Carroll, and W4QO, Jim Stafford as the "Color Team" for the celebration.
Ralph K1ZZI (W4E)
SECC VP                                         
 <GQP 2011-50-2.gif>      
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