You can add:
White = WHIT
Whitfield = WFLD
Wilkes = WILK
Wilkinson = WKSN
to John's reminder about county abbreviations.
And, GA stations always send their county in all contacts.
And, when GA stations work other GA station, they enter the county of the station worked, not "GA".
So, "GA" should not ever show up as a QTH in sent or received exchages in any QSO's...  Odd, but true.
But... GA stations do put "GA" in their header setup info for the "LOCATION" or ARRL-SECTION" line.

The county abbreviation list is at:
TNX John for the reminder.
Please use as my address.
GQP 50th Anniversary is 2011, April 9, 10th, Join the party.
Send me your Georgia Party county coverage plans to
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From: John T. Laney III <>
To: secc <>
Sent: Wed, April 6, 2011 8:32:01 AM
Subject: [SECC] Possible Confusing County Abbreviations

In preparation for the GQP this weekend, I made up a list of proposed
counties for N4DU and me to use as W4R/M using the county abbreviations.
This reminded me that there are at least two sets of county
abbreviations that are confusing.

Please note these:
CHAT = Chattahoochee, not Chatooga or Chatham.
CHTM = Chatham.
CHGA - Chatooga.

And Stewart is STWT, not STEW.

These have caused some confusion in recent years, so I thought it might
be well to remind GA stations to be sure to use the official
abbreviation list to avoid confusion.

73, John, K4BAI.
SECC mailing list