Georgia QSO Party

Call: N4TOL
Operator(s): N4TOL
Station: N4TOL

Class: Single OpMixed LP
QTH: Fannin County, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      1         
   80:     20       17
   40:     30      226
   20:      2       22
   15:              10
Total:     53      275  CW-Dig Mults = 4  Ph Mults = 38  Total Score = 16,002

Club: North Fulton Amateur Radio League


Great contest, although a bit shy of last years score, enjoyed working the 1X1s
and hearing lots of friends.  Running 100 watts into windom antenna from Blue
Ridge, GA.  Highlight was calling CQ on 15 meters Sunday morning with no answer
for about 10 minutes and then having 2 HS0s from Thailand answer, giving me a
new mult and some points.  My 2nd and 3rd HS0 contacts all time.  Kudos to the
GQP organizers for a great event!!

73 John N4TOL

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