Alabama QSO Party

Call: AD8J
Operator(s): AD8J
Station: AD8J

Class: RoverMixed HP
QTH: 4 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 8:23

Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
  160:    0      0
   80:   49     16
   40:  220     92
   20:  114     13
   15:   10      0
   10:    0      0
Total:  393    121  CW Mults = 39  Ph Mults = 28  Total Score = 67,118

Club: South East Contest Club


Drove down from Asheville, NC and operated ROVER from 4 counties.  Used inverted
vee antennas and an SB-220 amp.  Rig, amp and computer were powered from a 3.5KW
generator.  This was a single operator event.  I didn't even have anyone to help
put up and take down antennas. It sure was hot in Alabama and I discovered they
have spiders that bite and ticks!  Also saw tornado damage and lots of road