Call: N4NX
Operator(s): N4NX
Station: N4NX

Class: Limited Multi-Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 15

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  275   135
Total:  275   135  Total Score = 37,125

Club: South East Contest Club


This was to be my first VHF contest with HIGH POWER--BUT it was not to be!  After setting up on Thursday at my mountain home in Sautee, GA I hooked up my newly converted WSB Harris amp.  This was accomplished with much much work by Mack, W4AX  and more technical support from Hal, N4GG.  When they released the amp into my care it was putting a solid 800 watts on the wire!  I used it for a couple of days from home in Atlanta and all was working fine.  On Thursday from Sautee it was still working fine as evidenced by my easily working both PJ2/K8LEE & PJ4E for two new ones on 6 meters.

OK now to the contest.  When the contest started I heard K4PI ( Mr 6 meters ) calling CQ on CW  With the amp in line I gave him a call, expecting him to answer with a "WOW, you're loud" -- but not so.  Instead, he put out another CQ.  After calling him several times with no answer I knew I had a problem.  First let me say I have no way to monitor the rf output of the amp ( I now have a 6 meter watt meter on my must have list ).  I disconnected the amp and hooked the K3 directly to the antenna.  With just one call Mike answered my 100 watts call.  I continued with the bare K3 for the entire contest ( Just like I have always done.

I do have an advantage here in Sautee with my M square 5 element 6 meter Yagi atop my 50' tower.  I was able to have several runs calling CQ.  I don't know if I would have done much better with the amp--But in the future I plan to find out.

The weather didn't help either as we had severe Lightning and rain both Saturday night and Sunday afternoon forcing me off the air.  I used packet, but not to many spots.  In fact thanks for those that spotted me.

Well on to next year and power.  Great Fun.  You have to love 6!  Speaking of 6--don't miss K4PI's presentation on 6 at the SEDXC meeting on Thursday night.  See for information.

Thanks to all for the QSOs.

Bill N4NX