Rick, True that SECC has 200+ members but less than 5% are active and the rest are part time contesters and probably could care less about his issue.. I'm afraid you will get little or no support from this club.

 I have to agree with AA4GA on many of the points he made. Personally I don't think ARRL DX is broken and the increase in activity year to year from both the US and DX proves that. The MM category is a tough one to compete in and the trio of K3LR, W3LPL and KC1XX have dominated it for as long as I can remember. It's just as tough for someone on the east contest to compete with this trio let alone yourself or K5GO.
  I also agree with the point that W2UP made on contesting.com. I have operated from both K3LR and your station as MM and what Barry says is true. Tim always has an all-star cast of operators which you don't have.  Maybe you should consider trying another category to be more competitive on a national level. K8AZ has won MS many times in ARRL and he is not on the east coast.

The bottom line is ALL contests are unfair. Someone is always going to enjoy an advantage whether it's location , having all the superstar operators , propagation or having the resources to build a big station. It's totally unfair use a handicap so someone can compete. That's just the way it is.
