Good luck to all.  Hope the flare clears up.
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 8:16 AM, John T. Laney III <> wrote:
OK, guys. I am making my last check of e-mail before leaving in a few
minutes for WW4LL's QTH.  Good luck and much fun to all.  I may be able
to check e-mail before the contest starst, but can't be sure.  Any last
minute additions could be put on SECC#4, so e-mail me and we will see if
I get it in time if you are interested.

N6RO is surely right about 10 and 15M openings around 0130Z at night.
Last night just before 0200Z, I worked two ZLs on 10M, heard VK2BJ, and
west coast US stations were loud, including KF7E in AZ for a quick QSO.
At the same time, FO/N6JA was booming in on 15M.  So, don't forget to
check back on those bands and try to move mults there from the lower bands.

73, John, K4BAI.
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