YO DX HF Contest
First time on since WPX. Had a blast running LP CW on 15 meters. 73's and I will see some of you guys at NQ4I for CQWWSSB...John ( Drubber )
Call: W4IX
Operator(s): W4IX
Station: W4IX
Class: SOSB/15 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Mults
80: 0 0 0
40: 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0
15: 221 0 71
10: 0 0 0
Total: 221 0 71 Total Score = 70,929
Club: South East Contest Club
My first contest since WPX in May, had to make sure things still work. Only had
the TH7DX Tribander so decided to go single band. I woke up just before sunrise
and I was hearing signals on 15 already, so the first 30-40 minutes were pretty
slow, but the next 2-3 hours were nice for the small setup here at home. Best
hour was 71 q's. After the 3rd hour, things just went dead..only a handful of
Q's in the last 2-3 hours..Had fun anyways and looking forward to CQWWSSB @
NQ4I..Thanks for all the Q's and see you all soon. John W4IX