Fellow Contesters,


The temperatures are dropping, the shadows are getting longer and the fall contest season is in the air.  What a great time!  With the rising solar flux, 10M is finally coming to life and hopefully the available high band spectrum will relieve some of the pressures on the low bands.  This will be especially fun for those with modest stations who can now be competitive with the big guns and hopefully stimulate and encourage contesting with a new generation.


During the upcoming contest season, I will be putting out a monthly newsletter to highlight activities of our SECC members.  The purpose will be to inform and support our club members about operating plans, antenna projects and special events.  So, what are your plans for October?  Also, we have highly skilled members amongst our club who share their knowledge at various meetings – any papers or presentations being given?  Are there any out of region contesters traveling through our circle that the members would like to meet?


Please drop me a note if you have any activity that you would like to share with the club.  My contact information is ve7zo@hotmail.com or I’m also available at 608-346-2193.


vy 73,



President SECC