For those who didn’t dig out your microphones and get on this weekend you missed some real fun .  I’m a CW guy (first) but this is the most fun I have had in a contest in a long time.  10 meters was unbelievable.  I hope it’s this good in the CQWW DX CW contest when John and I are in Bonaire. If it is it’s going to be an memorable trip.


I will let Fred, WW4LL give you all the details when he posts our M/S score but here are some highlights :


·         Broke 3000 + QSO’s Multi-Single. I think this exceeded our expectations for the contest.

·         40 zones on 20 and 15 meters ,  38 zones on 10 meters

·         1000+ QSO’s and 149 counties on 10 meters



         We had two new operators join our team – Eric W4DXX and Dan – KK4DAN. Both were very good operators. This was Dan’s very first contest and it was very pleasing to see him improve all weekend. By the end of the contest he was operating like a seasoned contester. It reminded me of when I started out and had someone mentor me on how to be a good contester. THANKS Fred for your hospitality and a fun weekend



Jeff KU8E  - Part of WW4LL Team in CQWW DX SSB