CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: K1ZZI
Operator(s): K1ZZI
Station: K1ZZI

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30.1

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:  102    20       59
   40:  207    25       82
   20:  356    37      109
   15:  487    36      125
   10:  861    35      135
Total: 2013   153      510  Total Score = 3,859,323

Club: South East Contest Club


Great contest and super conditions...wow!  100% S&P.  I don't think I will ever
forget this one.  3 band DXCC is a first here.  Thanks for all the amazing DX
and contacts.
73, Ralph K1ZZI

Once I figured out the microphone, foot switch and wave file business it was easy like RTTY.  Hardest part was pushing the foot switch at the right time.  A few times I couldn't find the foot switch and was stomping my foot around :-).  I never called CQ once.  All S&P with high rates clicking down the band map.  I only planned on operating a few hours too but I couldn't stop.  I might have to do this again sometime.  It was too way much fun even for a diehard CW guy.  Okay now all you SSB OP's need to try CW Sweepstakes next weekend... just for a while?